Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have bumps in my face the size of a normal pimple but there not pimples how can i get rid of them?

they look like pimples but are not because they don't have that white stuff in the middle it's just skinI have bumps in my face the size of a normal pimple but there not pimples how can i get rid of them?
Oso the bumps could be an acid build up buy a bottle of Milk of Magnesia last thing every night at bedtime take 1 teasoon try it for 2 weeks and see what happens. When I was a teenager I was plagued with pimples and sometimes red bumps [like a blind pimple] and an old lady gave me this remedy - today I'm 61 people remark on my flawless skin and I've never used make up in my life except the day I got married!!I have bumps in my face the size of a normal pimple but there not pimples how can i get rid of them?
could be a cyst...

see a doctor, preferably a dermatologist...
You might want to go to a Dr. or dermatologist. They might be little cysts.

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