Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have this sore that I thought was pimple but it has pus in it and now it's a hole in my skin. What is it?

I had this red bumb on my skin that I thought was a zit. So I squeezed it and nothing came out. Then it filled up with pus. I popped it and now it's like this hole. I put some medicine on it and stuff. Does it sound like an ingrown hair?I have this sore that I thought was pimple but it has pus in it and now it's a hole in my skin. What is it?
It could be an ingrown hair, a deep zit, etc. I wouldn't run to the doctor over one little bump unless it continues to give you problems.I have this sore that I thought was pimple but it has pus in it and now it's a hole in my skin. What is it?
What you have is a Boil, caused by a staff infection. Staff germs are on every ones skin, and when this germ finds a way through the skin, it festers, and is pain full.
I had one too--the whole pus pocket popped out and left a hole? If so, my grandma said mine was a boil...
it might be a cyst=have Dr check it out

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