Its been developing for about 3-4 days so far and its very painful and very red and embarrassing. Its on the side of my nose. Do you think I can try popping it now or wait it out the day before graduation to see if a head pops up by then?I just so happen to get the biggest pimple I've ever had 3 days before graduation!?
Pop some toothpaste on it over night (every night), which will dry it out. Do not try and burst it now as it will get worse and spread. Make sure you cleanse and tone your whole face too.I just so happen to get the biggest pimple I've ever had 3 days before graduation!?
Alternate REALLY HOT WASHCLOTH w/ REALLY COLD Washcloth. Hold each on on there for several minutes (My grandma taught me this and it works). After 3-4 rounds of alternating super hot with super cold, end on super hot (pore should be wide open) and it'll probably work its way out really easily. You're gonna have a mark there for graduation, but this will probably make it least noticeable. Then before the ceremony, dab a tiny amount of your mom's foundation on there and you'll be all good for pictures!
I have a hell of a lot of experience with pimples. dont pop it unless there is a white head there, and only pop it before you go to sleep so it has a chance to heal up overnight. It you pop it, buy lavender essential oil and dab it on top after you clean it before you go to bed. The swelling will diappear overnight! if you dont pop it, make a paste with water and baking soda, and dab it on top and leave it overnight. it will dry it out a lot. It sounds obscure but it works so well. =) good luck!
NEVER POP A PIMPLE!!! that is the worst thing to do in this condition! popping just spreads the bacteria inside it around your face so you will get more pimples! one thing you can try is face masks and just over the counter pimple cream. or for prescription- benza clin- it works for me :)
also get some exfoliator pads to wash your face daily
K !
Dab the mixture made by combining 1 tsp fresh coriander powder and a pinch of turmeric powder on the pimples, while going to bed in the night and wash it off when you wake up the next morning.
For more information on clearing your acne
You can also check out the sidebars throughout the site to have the wealth of knowledge
Put ice on it to reduce the redness + swelling.
And put toothpaste on it to dry it out.
For graduation cover it up with make-up if its still there :P
But make sure it has Hypo-Allegenic on it or it might irritate it more...
Which is not good.
I have read in magazines, that you can put Prep H on it to reduce the swelling and redness. I also have heard that a dermatologist can inject something directly on the spot.
Usually you're supposed to leave em alone but since this is a special circumstance i'd pop in now, then maybe tonight adn tomorrow night put some kinda cream on it to dry it out and maybe the redness and swelling will calm down.
aww that sucks...well use a facial cream
No, no, no, do NOT squeeze it. It would seem that you are developing a boil. It is going to be there for a week so get used to the idea.
You need to go to your doctor and he will prescribe an antibiotic for your system. Your blood is fighting an infection
by the white blood cells of your blood dieing to counter it. That is their job. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend a clean dressing for you to wear to keep other germs at bay.
Under no circumstances put make-up over it.
You shall just have to pose showing the good side of your face to the camera. Do not let yourself become self-conscious, it just isn't worth it. Worse things can happen.
But if you do have a boil, you will be left with a big, deep crater in your skin. If that is on the side of your nose you are bound to have a big problem. A visit to our doctor straightway is essential. These problems concerning boils happen because of an infected hair follicle.
I suspect that you have not been eatingthe right food. Too many take-aways? Doctor will also give you tips on what you should be eating and what to cut out.
This is something for which you need proper medical attention, not home recipes. Go get it and your graduation is only of fleeting importance. You can still join in and you better will bloody well be sure to do that, understand. If all else fails, you can wear a paper bag over your head. Set a new trend. Wear your mortar board below eye level. Be an olde Englishe Lady and carry a flan and flutter it in front of your face and become a woman of mystery.
Otherwise, walk around holding a banana in your ear and if anybody asks about your abscess simply say, ';I can't understand you, I have a banana in my ear.';
Or, be a bride for life and have a full length, full face veil floating over your face. A couple of meters of sheer silk will do it. Try black., fixed with a diamante hair clasp. Bright red lipstick woud be the only makeup you need which will show up very enchantingly through the silk sheer.
Go on. You are being handed a lemon. Make a lemonade out of it. Don't discuss your situation /condition with anybody. They'll never know anything about it unless you tell them.
Congratulations and enjoy your day.
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