Thursday, July 22, 2010

Any home remedies to clear a pimple overnight?

please answer especially if your a docter or what not

i know that if you use toothpaste it gets worst...right.....and baking soda???

well if you know how to clear a pmple/zit overnight you would have saved me....please help %26lt;3Any home remedies to clear a pimple overnight?
Toothpaste dries out your pimp, so it is effective. You cannot majically get rid of a pimple overnight, but one thing that I found does work is take a warm wash cloth (as warm as you can stand) and put in on the pimple, repeat one more time, then carefully take the cloth and put it on either side of the pimple and gently squeeze, if it does not pop imidiatly then try the warm cloth one more time, if it still doesn't work put a small dab of astrogent on it and try again the next day. If you force it to pop by squeezing too hard you will make it 10 times worse and it will last 10 times longer. If you don't have astrogent, use your toothpaste, avoid cinnimon.Any home remedies to clear a pimple overnight?
I like the Toothpaste Method....

It only makes it worse if you pop it first!

It works for me
Neat tea tree oil, but it usually takes more than 1 day. Sorry 'bout the time.
My secret is Vicks Vapor-Rub, it brings down the swelling.
Proactiv has a mask that is good for spot treatment. If you are doing something at home you can put warm compresses with a wash cloth and warm water on it. That can help it to draw up.
actually, i found toothpaste worked best for clearing it up fast. the paste. no gel.
You make a paste of crushed aspirin and a few drops of lemon juice. Put that on them and let it set for about 20 minutes. I don't know if it gets rid of them overnight or not but it's supposed to clear out the pores.
Yes this may be weird but its not as weird as half these anwers but get a cotton ball and spray windex on it and dab it on the pimple.
A pack for acne or pimple prone skin would be that of honey (1 tsp) with 1/2 (tsp ) of cinnamon powder. Apply for 15 minutes. Due to the antiseptic properties, bacterial infections in the skin are treated. More remedies at the link below.
Once a pimple is inflamed you are not going to be able to get rid of it. BUT, you can reduce in the inflammation.

White Paste Toothpaste shouldn't aggrivate it. It has cleansers in it that will kill the bacteria.

Steaming your face for 10 minutes is a step I recommend to start your at home remedy. It will assist to open the pores on your face prior to applying any home remedy.

Name of the game = kill the bacteria %26amp; reduce the swelling.

Other at home remedies include swabing the area with apple cider vineger or lemon juice.

A face mask of egg whites acts as an astringent to assist draw out impurities.

Other alternatives that might make you less squimish include:

Steam Face

Oatmeal face mask (oatmeal + enough water to make a paste. Leave on face until dry. 20 minutes)

Grind orange peel and mix with water until you get another paste. Apply this directly to your problem areas.

To get the red out, use cold tea bags or basil steaped in boiling water for 10 minutes then swabbed on the area.

Ice also works.

Preperation H works too.

During the whole process, drink lots of water to help your body flush the toxins out from the inside. I mean, you're going to be running to the washroom more often then not.

Then go to bed early, get a good night's rest.

Start the day.

if it's still swollen the next day, continue with the water, but, bring it down with cold compress on the face.
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/

Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs鈥?/a>
put toothpaste on it! i guarantee it'll be gone by the next morning!
get a pimple sucker. If u dont have one, apply tabasco sauce, honey or oat
take a aspirin and crush it up into powder and dilute it with a little apple cider
Here you go:鈥?/a>
well i wash my face with Neutragena Rapid Clear and i rarely have pimples - - it does work great! just letting you know...

overnight remedies that i have used before with zits that are a problem is :

toothpaste - just leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off throughly. it dries the pimple out.

rubbing alcohol - i wash my face before bed like i usually do and then using a cotton swab i rub rubbing alcohol on the zit and it dries it up and takes the redness away. however it could dry your skin out around the pimple so make sure you have a good moisturizer.

hope these help!
no product can clear a pimple over night. don't try clearisil ultra..i did and it got worst. if u want baby soft skin mix an egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey then put on face. trust me it won't clear a pimple over night but yoor skin will be really soft.
Apple vinegar works well, apply it like you would toner
let me put some *** on it and all good t work of me

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