Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to get rid of a scar from picking a pimple?

hi its bad to pick at ur pimples, but i did, at two right next to each other, and now i have like 2 dots on my face darker than my skin color that are flat and wont go away, its been like 2 or 3 weeks nowHow to get rid of a scar from picking a pimple?
Try alpha hydroxy acid and keep clean and dry and only time will heal it but by shedding your skin faster it will fade alot faster as I have done that many of times and have no scars on my face!How to get rid of a scar from picking a pimple?
Use Vitamin E oil and neosporin or mederma, and just give it some time. Even using a scar reducing product, skin still requires time to completely heal the skin, about a couple of months, so don't freak if it's not gone next week. And I know it's hard, but you really got to try not to pick them next time, it actually makes them worse.
Try rubbing Mederma on it daily until they aren't so noticeable. It is made to reduce the appearance of scars.
time heals most.... and use a moisturizer with sunscreen everyday鈥? :0
Try vitamine E in it's pure liquide form, use it everyday.

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