Monday, July 26, 2010

How do you get rid of a big pimple quickly?

Let's get on thing straight; Nobody's perfect. Everyone has zits. I KNOW you've heard it before, but its true. Go to www.freewebs .com/reelbeauty11 for beauty tips, and self-esteem builders. It's generally for young girls, but can help anyone really.

The best step against zits is PREVENTION. Wear a foundation with lots of water, and don't prop your chin up - otherwise your asking for chin zits.

Are a you vegetarian? sometimes people get zits because they are or aren't vegetarians.

ProActive works for some people, but not for others. If I were you, I'd stick with washing my face once in the morning, once at night, and maybe using an astringent every other day. If you have pimples, dab a bit of toothpaste on honey on them, but do not use as a mask!

Your regular doctor can generally help. A skin doctor doesn't know as much about your med. history.

Overall, remember that beauty counts more on the inside than on the outside, and your true friends will love you for you, and not your skin.How do you get rid of a big pimple quickly?
your gonna think this is crazy but ... it works to shrink and dry them up. Preperation H. It works great and it's also cheap. My sister in law uses it whenever she gets one and by morning it's dryed and healing . good luckHow do you get rid of a big pimple quickly?
Try putting Ice on it for a few minutes

and then put toothpaste

and then wash it off in the morning

Give me best awnser
whatever you do dont put tooth paste on it, its just a bunch of bull crap...what you should do is separate an egg (yolk from white) and put the white in a container in the fridge or freezer. once cold, Dab on a little bit of the white on yer zit and go to sleep making sure the pillow or sheets dont remove the white from your face. It should be noticeably smaller the next morning. Rinse and repeat. If you go out during the day, apply some concealer directly on the clean pimple to make it less noticeable.
yea alchol works just fine, toothpaste isn't really a good i sea b/c it could irritate your skin and dats another problem you'll have to deal with
It'll hurt, but wash your face, then douse it in rubbing alcohol. It dries it out really well, plus cleans out your pores like no other. That way it also helps prevent new ones. Toothpaste works well, too
Buy some Witch Hazel from the chemist. This is great stuff for toning your skin, and shrinking pores. For a quick way of reducing the size and redness of a spot, crush some plain, uncoated aspirin, any brand, and mix to a runny paste with the Witch Hazel, dab on the spot. The aspirin contains Salycic Acid, which is in many commercial acne products. This combo works very well.
The best way is to go to the dermatologist and get a cortisone shot. It will be gone in a couple of days.
Put a huge dab of toothpaste on it and leave it on overnight. Before you do that; soak a washcloth in really hot water and press on it for awhile.. Try this 2 or 3 nights in a row.

Hope this helps.

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