Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why does this one random pimple hurt soo much?

Usually when I get them they don't hurt.

But this one does for some reason..Why does this one random pimple hurt soo much?
It could be infected in which case you can apply some neat teatree essential oil, which is totally safe neat.

You may also have an ingrown hair in it so take a close look and use a pair of tweezers to remove the hair if that is the case.

Blind pimples usually hurt to. Do not touch it.

Use a very mild exfolient once a week as this will aid in removing any dead skin by gentle sloughing.

If the pimple does not go away or becomes blistery see you health professional immediately.Why does this one random pimple hurt soo much?
Ice it, get a needle and pop it. then SQUEEZE all the happiness out of it like a mother squeezing the chit out of her daughters cheeks
where is it located? it might be near or next to a pain nerve.
It's probably cystic. Is it large? The pressure from the swelling can cause pain. Repeatedly heat and ice it and it should feel better. Unfortunately some times they hurt. If it swells too large go to a dermatologist the may give you a cortisone shot to reduce the swelling.
maybe its ingrown.

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