Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of pimples without using pimple medicine or creams

i have a bad pinple problem and pimple medicines never work for meWhat is the best way to get rid of pimples without using pimple medicine or creams
Try washing your face with a gentle cleanser. Drink lots of water. Try using witch hazel on the pimples. It's inexpensive and you can purchase it at any drug store. It'll help dry out the pimples naturally. Putting toothpaste on individual pimples before bed also works. Sounds strange but it works. Good luck!What is the best way to get rid of pimples without using pimple medicine or creams
Hmmm...Eat healthy, get a good amount of sleep, try not to touch your face during the day, wash your face at least two times a day. A lot of people say that if you wash your face too much, it will actually make you get more acne, but that's not true. Also, in the past, I have used lemon juice to dry my skin out and get rid of pimples.
Wash your wash with a good oil fighting cleanser and use Witch Hazel (cheap and found in any drug store) everyday....preferably twice a day. I have also found that putting white toothpaste (not the gel type) on the zits prior to going to bed works surprisingly well.
Eat lots of healthy foods and not fatty foods. Chocolate gives the worst pimples. Drink lots of water and try using a moisturiser. I have to do this because i am allergic to all of the pimple creams.
alcohol it to dry it out and toothpaste that is kinda rough.
toothpaste maybe..

i've heard that works..

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