Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If while you were out you noticed that your partner had a large pimple on their nose, Would you squeeze it for

them?If while you were out you noticed that your partner had a large pimple on their nose, Would you squeeze it for
I would not presume to assault her in that way and I suspect my wife would have noticed the skin blemish before she left the house and would have done something about it.If while you were out you noticed that your partner had a large pimple on their nose, Would you squeeze it for
No. It may become septic. Because of the special nature of the blood supply to the human nose and surrounding area, it is possible for retrograde infections from the nasal area to spread to the brain. For this reason, the area from the corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose, including the nose and maxilla, is known to doctors as the danger triangle of the face
I prefer squeezing the aşş, tıts, tummy and even cheeks of my partners (one of them has real small breasts tho, i make do with her aşş instead). When it comes to pimple, instead of squeezing it, I'd prefer not to see that particular girl until she gets her pimple go away. Mind you, *grins* a girl with a pimple on her nose wont turn me on so i'd prefer to pass. At least till she looks fully pretty again
Ok, here it is. I have done. I can't help it. I'm a born groomer.

I tuck away labels, tidy collars, finger brush hair etc., to my kids and my partner. I've squeezed spots that I've known will go but I try to do it in a subtle way.

I notice sticky out labels, squeezable spots and stuff on other people and have to try hard to ignore it!
No, and don't draw attention to it, they will already have noticed and be very self conscious about it.
No, I would tell them first, and I would squeeze it for them if asked to do so.
yes I would but I'd make sure that I wasn't in direct line in case it exploded in my face, sorry for such graphic detail
depends what type of spot it is... white heads are easy to pop but black heads and the big red ones are harder so I'd leave them alone
As a matter of fact I perform that service for strangers without their permission.
No. I don't like it when I see people doing that kind of thing. makes me think of gorillas grooming each other. Its vile.
Personally.... yes. It may seem gross... but I LOVE to pop pimples. When my partners on the computer I sit there and pop the ones on his back... so yes, yes i would
yes totally but he wouldnt let me!!!!!!
No I`d let her do it herself....
yes!! id love to
nope..they might feel bad about it..
  • concealer makeup
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