Monday, August 23, 2010

How do i help heal an open sore? it started off as a pimple that i picked and covered with make up. ?

let me add to the first answer here a bit. do this before bed.

you need a gentle facial clanser or a mild bar soap like Ivory, hydrogen peroxide, cotton ball or swab, neosporin (cream is better than ointment) and a small bandaid

first, wash your face with a mild soap. pat dry gently with a soft towel.

next you want to put peroxide on the cotton ball or swab, to put it on the sore. you want to wet it well, and you should see the sore turning white in places. this means the peroxide is bringing oxygen in.

dab it with another clean cotton ball or swab till dry

then put just enough of the neosporin to cover the sore, cover the whole thing with the bandaid, and go to bed!

by morning it should look better.How do i help heal an open sore? it started off as a pimple that i picked and covered with make up. ?
my suggestion? treat it like any other cut. The best way that I do it is before I go to bed I get some neosporn put it on a bandaid and place it over the cut. yea you look stupid, but its just for at night. you might need to avoid putting makeup on it for a while.

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