Monday, August 23, 2010

HOW Do you make a pimple smaller by today?

how would i be able to make it smaller perferably by today..if not in general with at home productsHOW Do you make a pimple smaller by today?
Ice helps bring down the swelling- the redness, puffiness; then put some toothpaste on it, then wash your face. And they don't call it concealer for nothing! ;pHOW Do you make a pimple smaller by today?
Don't express it. Even though the head will be gone, the skin around it will get inflamed and swell.

Paste style toothpaste supposedly works, and if the pimple is quite big...then I've also heard of applying ice to it for about 5 or 10 minutes will help shrink it.

If it's for a photo or something, buy some concealer.
If you mean smaller by shrinking; I am now dealing with one myself, the is like a small planet, I just applied some toothpaste on it; this dries it up a bit.GOOD LUCK MY DEAR.
Buy proactive it really works I though it was just like any other type of acne solutions but not proactive it really really works and way cheaper than any other acne treatment they sell at the stores.

Good Luck,
Do not use toothpaste. There is no proof that toothpaste has any medicinal ingredients to help shrink/remove acne. It's just a common myth.

Instead, try these...

-Dab on a small amount of apple cider vinegar. Not too much, as it could cause a burning sensation in your skin, but just enough to thoroughly cover the pimple. Celebrities often use this for a quick fix.

-Fill a sink or large bowl with steaming hot water. Wrap a towel around your head and bend over the sink enough so that the steam touches your face (not the water though; yeow!!). Stay that way for a few minutes (preferably 5-10 min) and then stand back. This opens your pores.

-Try a mask containing mint. Mint helps to get rid of acne and/or oily skin. If you don't have any mint-y masks or mint around, try honey. Sticky, yes, but it is also helpful!

-No picking please! Think of everything you touch each day. When you pick at your zits, it only transfers more bacteria into your skin and irritates the bump so resist that urge!

-Use a gentle skin cleanser containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. No soap based products!

-If you want to pop it, try only 2-3 times so you do not bruise the area and worsen the pimple. Apply a warm cloth before popping for 2 or 3 minutes, then attempt to pop it. If you are successful, gently cleanse the area with a cleanser containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Best of luck to you! I hope you can get rid of those pesky pimples ASAP.


applecider vinager full strength even white will work......mixture of sea salt and water works great
Toothpaste...but not the gel kind, the paste-y kind.
toothpaste on it works for me,,,sleep with it on the pimple. It might dry the skin too, so don't put too much around it, just on it. Dry skin is still better than a zit, though.
apply ice!!! it works so well it shrinks them its awesome!!!

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