Monday, November 21, 2011

Can u get a pimple or a stye on the under side of your eye lid?

my eye lid has been really sore in the corner of my eye towards the ear. so i pulled both the eye lids up and i saw what looked to be a small pimple or a stye. is this passable and will it go away on its own or should i go see an eye doctor?Can u get a pimple or a stye on the under side of your eye lid?
HOLY SH!T!!! that happened to my MOM!!! she doesnt know what it is either,Can u get a pimple or a stye on the under side of your eye lid?
im pretty much 100 percent sure you can get a stye in the inside of your eye..i will go away on its own in a week or less..definitely not something to stress over
warm compresses, and gentle massage as much as possible, if it doens't go away in a couple of days, go see a doc.
My daughter when she was attending college got a whitish bump under her eyelid. It was more annoying then anything. She was getting very concerned she told me that she had if for at least a year and it just kept getting bigger. During a break time she came home and saw a Doctor. The doctor told her that there really wasnt anything that they could do for it. The doctor said that sometimes these go away on thier own and sometimes they can get bigger. My daughter was distraught by the doctors answer. I told her don't worry, I know that we can go to the health food store and get something for your eye that will take care of the problem. I am a firm believer in herbs. So we went and found a product called Health and Herbs Eye Rinse Formula 1036 . It is a formula by master herbalist Truman Berst

It comes in a 2 oz bottle with a dropper. It is a concentrated formula, so You need to purchase an empty bottle and dropper from the health food store also and some distilled water to mix drops in,and make a fresh batch every couple of days. I just add several drops to a couple table spoons of distilled water. I make the solution up so that you can feel it good with a slight sting in your eye, but not painful. My daughter used the drops several times a day for about a month and called home one day and was excited to tell me that it was completely gone. Another time my daughter in law had something wrong with her eye. She goes to the dr. for everything. the doctor gave her something for her eye and then she went home and looked the drug up on the internet and didn't like what she read about the possible side effects of the drug. So she didn't want to use it in her eye. I told her about the stuff that I had and told her the story about my daughters success with it. I told her that I was certain that it would take care of her eye infection also. I set her up with every thing she would need. A couple days later she called me and told me that her eye problem had cleared up. My husband uses it for eyedrops at work when his eyes get dry and sore because he works 12 hour shifts. He said that it really helps his eyes to feel better. So this is a general eye care solution. If you can find a health food store around, I would highly recommend this product. You can probably find it on the internet if you cant find it at a store.

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