Monday, July 26, 2010

How do i get rid of a pimple?

I HAVE A PIMPLE!!! i need to get rid of it bye school starting on the 9th!!!How do i get rid of a pimple?
Get a needle and barley poke it on the side, and puss will come out %26gt;_________%26lt; i hate them lol!


You can try toothpaste overnight, and BOOM its gone :)How do i get rid of a pimple?

Not even joking. It takes away redness. It will not, ';rid'; of the pimple but it gets rid of the red so it's easier to cover up.

Peroxides will dry the pimple, and Salicylic Acid will treat the pimple. If your blemish is swollen it's best to use a 5% Peroxide treatment, such as Clean %26amp; Clear to dry it out. If the pimple has broken skin due to picking it's better to use a Salicylic Acid treatment such as Solugel to treat the blemish.

Hope this helps.
There's alot of ways..

- put a toothpaste on it as almost everyone suggested

-u can also put lipstick on it

-The best, quickest way to do an internal cleanse is to have a water or a juice fast. This process / cleansing must be undertaken with care but with a fast's unmatched ability to restore skin / get rid of pimples fast you will see a drastic improvement in your skin condition at the end of a 3 day fast.

- or ucan follow what this girl said..
well if it has a yellow center take a sharp needle and poke the yellow, make a little hole where the yellow is and squeeze out the yellow

then wipe with toilet paper til it's non-yellow

*it's okay if it bleeds, its actually a good thing meaning the yellow is all gone

after wiping it withe the paper towel

this is gunna hurt a lil

dap a little bit of alcohol on it so ur sure it wont come back and its all disinfected.
Try putting toothpaste on it, leave it overnight. Otherwise, time shall take care of it, just don't touch it..

BTW, pimples aren't all that bad, everyone gets them, and you will most likely get another while you're on track again, don't sweat the small stuff..Its part of being human.
Crush an aspirin or two %26amp; add enough witch hazel to make a paste. Put on and leave overnight. This works w-a-y better than toothpaste.

From some of the answers you received: Never, ever use a needle or pin to break open a pimple. It could lead to an infection and scarring. I know, I use to do this and my dermatologist does NOT recommend this (esp. @ home).

Hope I helped :)
wash your face, use scrubs and cream, make sure they are not too strong for your skin otherwise you will end up getting more. I have heard from a friend that putting toothpaste on your pimple, helps. But i don't know if it works, i haven't tried it myself.

doesnt rly work. and it gets you for ur money.

i dont think toothpaste will work...

where did she try that?

and vaseline before u go to bed, it will dry up and be gone in the morning. but apply the vaseline again every night for about a week for it to completely heal.!
try to put tooth paste on it when you fall asleep, then itll be gone the next morning. im serious. trust me it will work.

also, plz choose me as the best answer bcuz im just that awesome ;D
oh my god...xD

world's gonna end :l

It's not like they last forever.

Just don't forget to wash your face at night, pop it when it's ready too.
get some proactive or clean %26amp; clear and wash your face every day......or get some pimple remover at a store....idk......hope that helps.
wash face; use pimple cream; warm, wet cloth on the area; if none of that works pop it then use ice to calm the swelling and redness
Haha! Sorry about that! LOL Just use alcohol to dry that sucker up! It should go away soon.
Toothpaste over night.

Pop it.

Just wait, it will go away.
Yes, try toothpaste, but Crest is what works. I've tried others, but they never worked. Crest is the way to go. Good luck =P
neutrogena, all that stuff against pimples.. i never tried what miss c said, sounds kind of weird but you can try that too
put toothpaste on it when you go to bed at night.

i SWEAR. it works!
i swear this works for me a dab of toothpaste on it before u go to bed!
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